Wednesday, March 5, 2008

That's Our Baby!!

We went to the Dr. today because when we went last week we couldn't hear the heartbeat very well. Today they did an ultrasound so we could hear the heartbeat. A total bonus was that we were also able to see our baby! It's 2-2.5" long right now. It's so awesome!!! That is OUR child! It was so cool to see. I almost cried... But Sarah would have made fun of me... :)


Rae said...

POND! Congrats!! Many times over! I am so excited for you. Happy too to hear you are married, let alone being a father. I just found Jo's blog through Jasmine and then you through Jo. You are a GOOD soul, and a special one and I am glad to hear of your what and whereabouts again.

Jo said...

I wanna see more baby pictures!!