Wednesday, November 9, 2011


So... One of the struggles that I have every year with coaching is the fowl language of today's youth. When I was that age there was something "hardcore" and "tough" about swearing. That doesn't seem to be exactly the case any more. Now it's mainstream. People just don't think about it anymore. It's natural. (Mosiah 3:19 came to mind after I typed that...)
I am not one to push or force my moral beliefs on my athletes, but I do tell them my expectations and I don't like the swearing. I have also had the backing of their Athletic Contracts they sign at the beginning of every season which says they will not use offensive language. Unfortunately, no one pays attention to that; and, among our coaching staff, I am the only one who WILL NOT swear. I mean, the coaches don't swear constantly, but will when they are trying to emphasize a point or be intense. Yesterday, I even heard one of the coaches praise one of the boys for using the F-word. I was shocked. He made it sound like swearing was "manly."
The problem seems to be worse this year, than in the past. I don't know what more I can/should do than expressing my preference and not swearing myself. Just a little frustrated.


Kristin said...

Wow. That is a quandry. I guess I should appreciate working with a football team where, if someone swears, the other teammates tell him, "Don't swear, Kristin's here." I appreciate the gesture, but I don't understand why it is "manly" to swear in the first place... Good luck with that!!!

Alexa said...

When I played softball in high school, we had to sign a contract. One of the things we agreed to was that if we swore, we had to pay like a dollar or something to the "team jar." However, in your case it would be really hard to enforce such a thing since the other coaches swear on occasion too. It's kind of interesting that the coaches put that on the contract, but still use offensive language. Good luck with that though!