So... I'm over Facebook. I deleted my account last week. There are a lot of great things about Facebook. I was able to keep in contact with a lot of friends from high school, mission companions, and family that I don't see regularly. Although, those are all good things, I got sick of the time I spent on it doing nothing, being forced to read to personal facts of where someone is and what they are doing, and the FB drama that is all over that site. It has been nice not being on there; although, I do feel a little bit out of the information loop.
It has been a long time since I posted anything on Blogger. I figured, with my escape from FB, I will increase my time spent here so that people will still have some source to go to for personal updates on my family n' me.
Since I last posted anything, a lot has happened:
1. I have another daughter. Regan Aria Pond was born on 15 February 2011.
2. I still love my beautiful, wonderful wife Sarah.
3. I bought a motorcycle to ride to and from work.
4. My football team is 9-0 with one game left in the season.
5. I have had siblings marry, new nieces and nephews. The family is growing!
I could go on and list many, many more things. Instead of going through a long list, I will start fresh and update from this point on. It's good to be back. Hopefully, I will do better posting than I have historically.